The signal output end of the triode can also be connected to the primary of the horizontal output transformer. 三极管的信号输出端亦可接到行输出变压器的初级。
The Optimum Design of a Colour TV Horizontal Output Transformer 彩电行输出变压器的最佳设计
The Examine and Repair of Common Failure for Color TV's Horizontal Output Transformer 彩电行输出变压器常见故障的检测与维修
Therefore the design of horizontal driving circuit adoptes naturally the backward design method from the deflection coil of tube and horizontal output transistor back to the driving transformer and horizontal driver. 因此行激励级电路的设计,自然采用了从显象管偏转线圈和行输出管到激励变压器和行激励级的倒推设计法。